#027 – A journey towards authentic expression, sharing your truth in the online space, and moving away from perfectionism and censoring in your content

#027 – A journey towards authentic expression, sharing your truth in the online space, and moving away from perfectionism and censoring in your content

Have you been showing up less and less on social media?

Afraid that if you share vulnerable aspects of your life, trauma, obstacles or challenges that you’ll be seen as less than, and not as someone who can truly support your clients?

Or are you worried about what people will think about you?

Because you’ve been conditioned from a young age that there is a certain way to behave and speak so you don’t ruffle too many feathers?

This is something I have been contending with recently.

Though I’ve done a huge amount of work, I recorded this episode after having a hugely successful period in my business.

All of a sudden, I felt this deep sense of unworthiness after creating a 5 figure month.

So instead of pretending this wasn’t happening, alongside some other challenging stuff in my life, I decided to share it, unfiltered and uncensored.

Because I knew that if I was struggling with this, someone else would be to.

And it came from a place of truly wanting to support my community.

Because let’s be honest…

We will all have stuff going on in our lives that will to some degree impact our businesses…

But weathering the storm and being able to be transparent about it feels like an important step to take….

And I don’t mean spilling the beans if you’re not ready…

But sharing the lessons or how you’re planning on navigating can be the permission slip someone needs to step up for themselves.

So I hope you enjoy this episode, because it truly is something I pulled out straight from the heart.

Totally unfiltered and unedited (except for a cough mid-way through!)

To connect with me, you can find me here:

Website: www.soulslemonade.co.uk

Instagram: @soulslemonade


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Sending you so much love, and as always, I appreciate you so much!


p.s. I would love it if you could take a moment to review this podcast. This will help me improve the quality and content I will be bringing each week.