#024 – All things launching – how to launch a coaching program or offer in different ways

#024 – All things launching – how to launch a coaching program or offer in different ways

You might be wondering how do I promote my coaching program so I can start coaching with clients. Or if you’re in a different sector, it might be how do I launch my offer.

If you’re the type of person who has been taught to do things in one way, I wanna share that it’s not the only way to get success.

In fact, so many people I speak to are taught to only do live launches like masterclasses or challenges to sign more clients or achieve high income months, but I wanna share this isn’t the only way.

In fact, I have seen huge success from trying different types of launches.

But there are a few foundational steps to take before you dive head first into any type of launch and I’ll discuss those in this episode.

These foundational pieces cover personal branding for coaches, and why is branding important for coaches and service providers.

In this episode I’ll cover:

[00:35] – Introduction and busting some myths around launching

[02:00] – My experience with investing in a launch program to sign clients

[04:15] – Testing strategies that work for you

[06:00] – Taking a step back after a failed launch to evaluate why it didn’t work

[08:00] – Launching in different way to support my nervous system

[09:30] – What you should do before any launch to support audience and client building

[11:20] – The results I got and you could get to

[15:15] – What’s your perspective on launching?

[18:00] – How you can create launch plans



To connect with me, you can find me here:

Website: www.soulslemonade.co.uk

Instagram: @soulslemonade

For the month of March, I’m celebrating women in business all around the world, and I’ve put together a few offers to support you in creating wealth, freedom and impact.


If you want to brand your business, and get the foundational elements in place, this course is for you. This will help you pre-launch to build an audience of people who are ready to buy your offers and are aligned with your values, your mission and goals.



If you’re ready to create and launch your next offer, the VIP intensive is for you:

VIP Intensive  – Claim your spot


The Conscious Strategy experience is for the coach or service provider who has been in business for 6-12 months and wants to refine their brand, tighten up their processes and create plans and offers that are aligned with their brand and goals. This program isn’t going to be available again until 2024, and this week is your last chance to jump in.

VIP Intensive + 2 Months of 1-1 Coaching Hybrid for £2222 – Book a strategy call [CLOSED]


My highest level container, and the one that’s getting booked up fast during this month which gives you potent high level support with conscious branding, conscious marketing, product suite and offer creation, launching, content, high-end copywriting, funnels, strategies, and nervous system support as you navigate the growth and scaling of your business.

1-1 Coaching and Mentoring for 3, 5 or 9 months  - Book a strategy call


Sending you so much love, and as always, I appreciate you so much!


p.s. I would love it if you could take a moment to review this podcast. This will help me improve the quality and content I will be bringing each week.